Thursday, May 29, 2014

Mercer Island Hot Laps

There's a free training (race) ride on Tuesday nights in Seattle- Mercer Island Hot Laps. Bike riders of all levels are welcome! We start on the West side of the island at the I-90 trail and ride to the next stop sign on the East side where we regroup, turn around and smack it again. If you think you're fast and/or want to get faster, this is the ride for you. Don't care about getting fast and just want to blow off some steam? Perhaps, you want to see how badly you can suffer? Come test your limits with some of the Herriott Sports Performance Hit Squad (Cat 1/2's).

Here's some footage I shot of our ride last week on 5/19/2014:

Friday, May 23, 2014

Views from the Road

Here's what it looks like when you ride along the cliff side of the Magnolia neighborhood on a nice day. At 35mph.

GoPro Testing

I'm so behind on how the 2014 race season has been unfolding and especially all the delicious food I've been eating. I'll be back soon to feed you baby birds. For now here's a teaser for the Pro/1/2 twilight crit I did in Wenatchee at the Tour de Bloom earlier this month. It was dark, not twilight.