Thursday, May 7, 2009

...More Like Whack-Ass Urban Eats...

For those of you that know and perhaps eat in the midtown area, I have some disturbing news for you... Yours truly will no longer be tossing your salads, making your delicious garlic fries or allowing vegans to get a legit meal at a place that should (but doesn't) cater to your dieting needs. That's right Jack's Urban Eats cut my homie and I loose after 3 years service on account of stealing beer from the fridge... or so I'm told. We've always had permission to have a beer after a shift, but apparently permission isn't enough these days and apparently a warning/ write-up was far beyond question. 86-ed. done. No mas. Personally I can't respect a business who fires people based on word of mouth, simply fucked up. On top of that, can we all just think about this one real quick? What the fuck is so urban about Jack's Urban Eats? Have you seen the inside? Or that lame mural on the side of the building?

The fucking menu? Turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy with a side of cranberry and a diet coke? Urban? Try elderly. If you go there, stop. Support a local restaurant that supports it's city, not obesity and ignorance.

On the positive side of things, Cinco De Mayo wasn't a complete failure. Turns out the unemployment insurance application is quick and easy to use. And if you walk into a business looking for a job, having a resume in your hands makes you as good as gold. You'll be seeing me around real quick on the rebound.

Later on i dropped by my boy Daniel's house for a little screen printing op.

Brandon and Daniel are going to The Smell in downtown Los Angeles this weekend to sell some art at the Mika Miko record release show.

Two freshly built screens, "so tight you could bounce a nickel off of it"... And it's all thanks to Mary Jane, she's always so supportive.

Final Word: Anyone who is currently unemployed, keep your chin up. Pouting won't get you anywhere, but a flawless resume and some confident personality will.

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