Saturday, May 8, 2010

When Taking It Easy Goes Wrong, Sort Of [Pt. II]

The other day, the boys and I went out for a little ride. And by "the boys" I mean Brad and Matt. It's literally been months since we all rode together, which is really pathetic if you ask me. Considering the rare occasion, we decided to take it easy and ride out to Fremont and enjoy the classic Gas Works Park scenery. It's a pretty mellow 4 miles, fun for the whole family.

After powering through endless swarms of gnats, being as how we are riding along the water front most of the time, we made it safely to the ever crowded Gas Works... A little too crowded, so we chugged along in hopes of a more relaxing spot. We eventually found the said spot, on the other side of the water. So on our way to the Fremont Bridge for some water crossing we spotted a huge bike gang, who just so happened to be egging us on to join the ride. Naturally, and skeptically, we did.

This picture doesn't really do any justice to the size of the group, there were atleast 30 peeps.

So we caught up to the group and chatted a little bit only to discover that it seemed as though NOBODY in the group seemed to have any idea as to where they were all headed. Sounds awesome. We trucked along figuring that we'd end up at some bar close by (they seemed like the drinking type). As almost a half hour or so of zig zagging our way through town (due north, which should be a bitch of a hill climb but wasn't somehow?) we found ourselves out in Shoreline (Google Map it) at a grocery store of all places... Go figure, what the hell would 30+ grungy cyclists be doing there?


It was getting late and unfortunately Brad was hoodie-less, I was glove-less and Matt... Well Matt was probably fine, but all in all we weren't really prepared for what was talk of a late night bonfire and lots of beer. Before ditching everyone at the store we asked one of the "leaders" what this was all about. Turns out they are all members of the infamous Point Eight Three bike club. As one could imagine, the name was born after the groups first ride... where they only made it .83 miles before stopping at a bar and getting wasted beyond repair (forgive me for any minor inaccuracy, for I was not present for the birth of .83)

Needless to say, we will return for future rides and we will be well prepared :)

Brad Terry

Matt Gastelum

Flat tire break

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